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Oct 29, 2021

0:20 Gasoline was a byproduct of oil that was coming out of the ground. Nobody knew what the hell to do with this stuff. It was worthless

0:58 John D. Rockefeller 1. put a lot of support into the development of gasoline-powered engines and 2. he built service stations. He made tons of money by selling a waste product...

Oct 29, 2021

John saw an ad in COMPETITION PRESS AUTO WEEK that CAR LIFE (sister magazine to ROAD&TRACK) was looking for an engineering editor ...

Oct 29, 2021

2:03 How did John end up at Road & Track? 4:36 How did Patrick Bedard bust onto the scene? 9:22 the job ad 13:12 did the advertising manufacturers dictate the content? 16:02 The Road & Track History Project 16:11 Locked down in Australia 6 mos 22:24 Road & Track as a magazine has lived through the major...